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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 1 hour ago, RomaVicta said:

    First, I know it's a matter of taste. I'm not denigrating people who like different types of movies than I do.

    I find it depressing as a film fan that smart people are debating the merits of Marvel, DC, and Disney because those studios with their franchises are flooding the lion's share of screens everywhere. It's all largely the same to me. There have been some good super hero movies such as Iron Man or Deadpool that I liked. I've never been much of a fan of Star Wars.

    I do like a solid action movie or a military thriller. I like mainstream movies that were made on a smaller scale than saving the planet/galaxy from destruction. I miss that part of the spectrum. Think Thief, Ronin, The Road Warrior, or LA Confidential. Go way back and look at Warren Oats as Dillinger, Sean Connery in The Wind and the Lion or The Man Who Would Be King.

    These were good movies with audience appeal. Fortunately TV has taken up some of the slack. Maybe my lament is based on my age. I miss going to the theater as often as I used to.

    I agree with you.  Comic book movies are such money makers that not as many traditional action movies are being made.

    And I guess I'm part of the problem as I go see a lot of comic book movies but they're way beyond the point of diminishing returns for me.  There are only so many ways you can make cartoonish CGI fights entertaining.

  2. Bunch of miserable fucks on this thread.  I'm sad that was probably DK's last regular season home start.  He was a huge part of bringing the franchise back from years of wandering the desert and his 2015 was about as good as it gets: starting the All Star game, Cy Young, winning the wild card game in Yankee stadium.


    He's still been very good for long stretches this year and I don't see how anyone can think there are 4 better options to start in the playoffs.


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  3. 5 hours ago, mulletpelini said:

    Potentially hundred-long groups (blocks) of numbers that are assigned which encode the distance from a baseline (also known as base point) which is typically in the heart of a geographically large municipality such as a city. The base point is occasionally applied to a conurbation of cities. C'mon McFly, ask your husband when you get home.

    I still got nothing

  4. 27 minutes ago, Gourmand said:

    Assuming the standings don't change and we take 12 position players onto the playoff roster, which pitchers get left off? I think we can assume that the following are locks: Verlander, Cole, Keuchel, Morton, Osuna, Rondon, Sipp, Pressly, and Smith. That leaves four spots to choose from Valdez, James, Peacock, McHugh, Devo, Harris, and LMJ.  Who gets left off? 

    I think we're only going to carry 12 pitchers, like last year.  I think you can add McHugh as another lock.  Then it will be LMJ if healthy, and either Peacock or Harris for the last spot or both if LMJ can't go.  I see no chance that they would roster Valdez or James.

    Actually, last year we only carried 11 pitchers in the 1st round and then 12 for the longer series.

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  5. I mean he's faster and more capable of long gains.  He obviously goes down a lot easier than Sam.  And it's a minor point in the debate, neither are difference makers as runners.

  6. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    nah. there's all sort of back and forth in here about sam and shane, but if in the end we can all agree that either one is at best a middle-of-the-pack QB who is waaaaay behind the best in the league, then does it matter?

    I've felt this way since early last year.  I think Shane is better but neither is nearly good enough to win the conference before they use up their eligibility.  Maybe one could be a caretaker type if the rest of the team was operating at a high level.

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