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Posts posted by WBT

  1. On 9/15/2018 at 5:33 PM, Gil Bang said:

    “As a practicing muslim that is an overt falsehood. Sharia law is anathema to our Constitution because Islam recognizes no other law but shariah.

    “As the most conservative county in the nation, this is a demoralizing blow to the conservative rank and file of the Republican Party across the nation and in Texas.”

    like 1000 spoons

  2. 1 hour ago, TtomTerrific said:

    I don't know what the fuck anyone is ever going to do about Alabama.

    Perhaps this will be the year Saban breaks the tie with Mack Brown and has his second undefeated season

  3. Edit - I was mistaken.  It is now illegal to lead with the crown even when the player is not defenseless (I think this was added a year or two after the original targeting rule?).  I do not think that applied in this case but they may have been the interpretation.

  4. 3 hours ago, Mo Horn said:

    When KC drafted Mahomes i thought it was a huge reach. I was absolutely wrong, he is the real deal. Chiefs are destroying the Steelers early. 

    Well he was able to sit and learn from Alex Smith last year!  

  5. 8 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Yup. A dude is not defenseless after 4 steps with the ball. Dont run straight up across the field dipshit. 

    Exactly, it was a bad call because the receiver had become a runner and was no longer defenseless.  After securing a catch and starting to run, a player in responsible for his own safety.  Likewise, it is too much of a burden for a defender to have to avoid striking the head of a ball carrier that is trying to evade the tackle.  Everyone saying it was a good call, please read the rule below and explain it to me. 

    From the NCAA rulebook here: http://www.ncaapublications.com/p-4540-2018-ncaa-football-rules-and-interpretations.aspx (I've bolded the applicable passages)


    Targeting and Making Forcible Contact to Head or Neck Area of a Defenseless Player ARTICLE 4. No player shall target and make forcible contact to the head or neck area of a defenseless opponent (See Note 2 below) with the helmet, forearm, hand, fist, elbow or shoulder. This foul requires that there be at least one indicator of targeting (See Note 1 below). When in question, it is a foul (Rules 2-27-14 and 9-6). (A.R. 9-1-4-I-VI)

    Note 1: “Targeting” means that a player takes aim at an opponent for purposes of attacking with forcible contact that goes beyond making a legal tackle or a legal block or playing the ball. Some indicators of targeting include but are not limited to:

    • Launch—a player leaving his feet to attack an opponent by an upward and forward thrust of the body to make forcible contact in the head or neck area

    • A crouch followed by an upward and forward thrust to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area, even though one or both feet are still on the ground

    • Leading with helmet, shoulder, forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area

    • Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of the helmet

    Note 2: Defenseless player (Rule 2-27-14). When in question, a player is defenseless. Examples of defenseless players include but are not limited to:

    • A player in the act of or just after throwing a pass.

    • A receiver attempting to catch a forward pass or in position to receive a backward pass, or one who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a ball carrier.

    • A kicker in the act of or just after kicking a ball, or during the kick or the return.

    • A kick returner attempting to catch or recover a kick, or one who has completed a catch or recovery and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a ball carrier..

    • A player on the ground.

    • A player obviously out of the play.

    • A player who receives a blind-side block.

    • A ball carrier already in the grasp of an opponent and whose forward progress has been stopped.

    • A quarterback any time after a change of possession

    • A ball carrier who has obviously given himself up and is sliding feet first.

    For emphasis: Defenseless player (Rule 2-27-14).  • A receiver attempting to catch a forward pass or in position to receive a backward pass, or one who has completed a catch and has not had time to protect himself or has not clearly become a ball carrier.

    How had the receiver not had time to protect himself or not clearly become a ball carrier?  He covered at least 10 yards between making the catch and the hit.  I'm sure the refs would point to the bullshit weasel words in the rule (When in question, a player is defenseless. Examples of defenseless players include but are not limited to:) but I see no good faith interpretation that would rule that a defenseless player.  They might as well call it what it is and include in the rule book a provision that hard hits are no longer allowed.

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