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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 7 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    it has been brought to my attention that some of my obscure analogies are obscure.

    given the thread title i chose for today, it was suggested that i make known why i subscribe to the maxim, "Messi es un perro."

    with only 37000 views in the 5 years since this video was posted, i give you the source of this truth.

    click on the "cc" button for english subtitles.

    may the age of the man-dog live on, just a few days more.


    cool video

  2. Well he didn't need to catch it.  It would have been enough to slap grichuk's glove away as soon as it broke the plane.  You have to be like a player and think about what you'll do if the ball comes to you.

    Joking of course.  Kind of.

  3. One from the regional and one from the super right?  Or did the TSU coach take another job?

    It's kind of the opposite of the Astros in the playoffs last year where the two teams they knocked out fired their managers.

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