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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 56 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    I remember when we joined the AL and they were our daddy.  We would lose pretty much every game to them.  Now they get bitch slapped by us on the reg and it is glorious.  

    We turned it around against them by sweeping them in Oakland in April 2015.  That's also when I started to think we were legit that year and might be finally coming out of the dark times.  That included the game that Gattis won with a double on a pitch in his eyes.




  2. 2 minutes ago, Sejjr said:

    If you can play MLB level baseball, and make that kind of money, why the fuck would you want to subject yourself to the violence of D-1 football? If Murray is smart, he goes Pro in baseball.

    Because you like to play football.  It's glib but it's what it comes down to.

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