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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    I can imagine Hinch's thinking was... this situation will prove if Giles can truly be a closer this year. Obviously he proved he still can't do it in the biggest pressure situations. I don't fault Hinch tonight. He had to find out if Giles had turned the corner. He hasn't. 

    What was last night?

  2. Yeah, Fiers was alright while here.  Not as good as advertised but he was a contributor.  There was a reason he was left off the postseason rosters.  I didn't like the trade at the time and still don't.

  3. 31 minutes ago, huge said:

    The guy reached over the fence and interfered?

    7 minutes ago, mbtex said:

    It looked like to me at the time that the ball hit on top of Piscotty's closed glove. It would not have been a catch.

    And why was his glove closed?  Maybe because when reaching up it hit the guys hands, maybe?

  4. Whither the dilly bar?

    DQ sponsored my tball team 30 years ago.  We had red caps with a white DQ logo.  That location somehow lost its affiliation about 15 years ago.  It stayed open as an independent DQ knockoff for another couple of years and then closed up.

    I've had a few mango blizzards from an ice cream only DQ kiosk inside a mall in Thailand while working over there.  

  5. That was a great episode.  I looked Phillip acting as the audience proxy in showing Paige that a 100 lb girl thinking she can handle grown men isn't going to end well.

    Phillip has now crossed the Rubicon.  I'm still team Liz but I'm starting to dread the ending.  I can't see it going well for anyone.

    Also, did anyone else think that when Stan showed up at the safehouse that the little kid was going to be dead too?

  6. 9 hours ago, hpslugga said:

    In favor if it spreads the sport's influence to the point of elevating it to Olympic game status. Otherwise I couldn't care less where those clowns play.

    Good luck with all that.  And what kind of football tournament are you going to have in 2 weeks?

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