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Posts posted by WBT

  1. 1 hour ago, Chet Steadman said:

    El Arroyo - Holy hell, this place has had a dramatic fall from over the past few years.   Aside from the iconic sign and the nostalgia factor, what more do they do well?  I can’t imagine they’re long for this world.  

    They still have 99 cent margaritas?

  2. 3 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    deshields isn't very good but seems to play ok vs us.  odor is a joke.  fister won the game in arlington, yeah?

    Yeah, that's true about Fister.  We got him when it counted last year, even though we ended up losing that game.

  3. 19 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    I am really confused by the intelligence long-game of having Stan's girlfriend stay with him for 3 years after he got booted from counter-intelligence. 

    I dont care if she is a Russian plant or an American plant, either way, having her stay with a guy who basically torpedoed his career by insisting the CIA back off of Oleg doesnt really seem to make sense. 

    Stan is only getting dragged back into the counter-intelligence group three years later because he was the handler of the 2 soviets who they gave political assylum to last episode.

    and man, they are really foreshadowing that Oleg dies trying to "save Russia", and it will probably end up being an American who kills him, not a Russian.

    I think she's just his girlfriend and it's not going anywhere.  Kind of like how nothing really came of Phillip's lost older son in Russia.

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