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Posts posted by WBT

  1. I would have fired him after 2003.  Shortly after that, he finally got the right combination of good assistants and badass recruits to overcome his and GDGD's shortcomings for a great run and then he went back to underachieving again.

  2. 1 hour ago, DanRydell said:

    Still seems like it'd make more sense to just do a Thurs-Sat series (or leave Monday open for both teams). Skipping Friday only helps you if there is a weather issue on Thursday whereas skipping Sunday or Monday can help if any of the games are rained/snowed out.


    1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    yeah, having an off day on monday makes the most sense.  if one of the fri/sat/sun gets ppd, you play monday.

    Thinking about it some more I bet they're trying to avoid having to refund opening day tickets.  They jack prices way up for opening day now.  If it then gets rain/snowed out and there's a game scheduled the next day, you have to refund the opening day tickets and you've already sold the next day's tickets at regular price.  So you lose your chance for that elevated opening day payday.  If the next day is a scheduled off day, no refunds and the people that can't make it are shit out of luck.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:


    best humblebrag I’ve seen in quite a while.



    3 minutes ago, Jshep34 said:

    When lilshep was in mr.Cranes office we did see all the rings being offered. The one lilshep put on was the one selected. Crane let lilshep pick his favorite and put it on. Crane held his hand and said that was his favorite to. I didnt take any pictures due to not wanting to disrespect the generosity/hospitality he showed us. The rest were nice but this was the best. 

    I think we have a new contender

  4. I read somewhere that there were a lot of scheduled off days last Friday (day after opening day) and this Friday in case of bad weather to let every team have two chances to get in their home opener.  Apparently the teams with scheduled off days today had their home openers yesterday.  I still think it's stupid but I guess that's an explanation.  Supposedly there are no scheduled Friday off days the rest of the season.

  5. Liz giving the cyanide to the dying artist wife would be too obvious right?  Seems like her conscience was getting to her over talking/tricking them out of the suicide.  She's usually able to keep her conscience in check though for the good of the mission.

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