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Posts posted by WBT

  1. Great episode.  Liz had me convinced that it really was no big deal that the guy took Paige's fake id then bam, the Liz I know and love stabbed him in the neck.

    Credit to hair and makeup for making Liz look so rough and it was good that Phillip called it out.

    It was a good setup, it will be fun to see where it goes.

    Also, wtf to Phillip out by himself line dancing.  

  2. Lulz, "People think models are dumb....and things that aren't beneficirary to me."  Dom and Chris are both such douches.  The show is trying to set up this epic battle between the two, are we supposed to give a shit about either of them?

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  3. 1 hour ago, jdhorn92 said:

    I don’t know, I’d say Mack and Augie we’re both great hires.  Mack’s run was pretty damn solid. I love the CDC hire but let’s play this one out before we put his hire on par with the two mentioned above.  As far as an AD, I love what he’s doing and more importantly , how he’s doing it.  Let’s face it, optics are important to us Texas fans and so far he’s grading out well.  Must have W’s in the big 3 though. 

    Mack and Augie were both more than 20 years before CDC.  I thought the statement parsed that out deliberately but maybe I'm just reading into it.

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