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Everything posted by texhorn

  1. texhorn


    Did I hear that right? 300 horses for $16k? What a bargain. And they all fit in 3 trailers, too?
  2. Can’t tell if serious. Images are obviously distorted.
  3. Some good news on the Moderna effort: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200714006042/en/Moderna-Announces-Publication-New-England-Journal-Medicine
  4. 106F here again in 78633. Peaked at 108.8 at 15:30. Fuck this shit.
  5. texhorn


    Drinking out of a yeti cooler on your porch much?
  6. They moved the two other DDGs that were parked next to it earlier this afternoon (the Russell and Fitz) She's also in maintenance availability so there's no ordinance on-board
  7. Fucking hell. 106 on the weather station. Looks like the high was 107.3 at 5:58pm (NW Georgetown).
  8. What rain in early July? It’s dry AF. Haven’t seen shit here (78633) since early June. Amazing we aren’t in a burn ban.
  9. texhorn

    Below Deck

    Pete coming on strong in this episode. What a psycho
  10. Downgraded to CSP since I didn’t see the $300 credit happening. Fail on my part.
  11. Arcadia is legit. One of my all-time favorites.
  12. Probably all those protest commuters who made their way back to the burbs. Or something.
  13. How long is this dust going to stick around?
  14. Well, it's a (small) step in the right direction.
  15. What? My yard would have been non-existent at this point. Been watering since March. Where do you live, northern Michigan?
  16. Got 0.4” in 78633. Will take anything at this point.
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