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Everything posted by texhorn

  1. I swear I hate the idea that you have to sit around and wait for a buyer to pay for an auction they won. Just charge the CC or PP Acct on file of the winner when the auction ends. Nothing makes me more ragey than the person who takes 3 days to pay, or worse, the person who never pays at all.
  2. Yep, too late, moose out front should have told you.
  3. Just with a glancing average, maybe about an inch across the basin. Some weak numbers out west. Given how dry it’s been, that isn’t going to cut it. Still, every little bit is appreciated/needed…
  4. How do you know prayers don’t work? Because I’m bald.
  5. We’ve put up 3 points since the half…
  6. Damn, every time this thread gets bumped I come in here hoping for a preview trailer for the upcoming season and get let down.
  7. There better be pics or it didn’t happen
  8. Looking like no fall this year. Moose out front shoulda told you & such.
  9. Holy shit with the Baron in the Barbie Jeep.
  10. I think I read somewhere that they text you another code to give CPL. I’ve only done the first draw so not speaking from direct experience here.
  11. Oh, you want cooler/drier weather? Enjoy some elm and ragweed to go with that! Fuck me
  12. Triple digits tomorrow? Sincerely fuck off
  13. Earlier in the episode Nandor says something like “gotta get it all” when he is scooping the soil out of his coffin
  14. Just do it yourself in your driveway. Plenty of space to work underneath on these trucks without a lift.
  15. Watch videos of Novak do impressions. he is very skilled at them. The first scene where the guide puts on the cloak back at the council is a voiceover, but the ones at the gym are impressions. You can easily tell they are slight variations of his voice and definitely not voiceovers from the other actors
  16. Is that what I think it is? No it not, you little pervert. It’s an engagement ring.
  17. Watched again. They’re all impressions
  18. Hottest day of the year so far here in 78633
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