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Everything posted by texhorn

  1. ERCOT capacity dropping again, guessing lost solar? As far as I can tell, no significant gains in production today. Insane. Going to be another long night folks.
  2. Dead battery is probably the biggest concern if it’s old... otherwise cars can handle the cold.
  3. Not seeing it on the ERCOT app, my capacity line basically looks horizontal since midnight
  4. The forecast lines don’t mean shit, they are for typical days. The supply isn’t going up until more plants go online. The demand line is being capped below capacity due to the blackouts.
  5. Zero degrees here last night in 78633. Unreal.
  6. Grid capacity continues to drop. No bueno.
  7. Switched from team wrap to team drip tonight. Hopefully don’t wake up with all frozen hose bibs and an inoperable bathroom sink again.
  8. It’s been down since 0500 this morning
  9. ERCOT map not looking good. Capacity continues to drop. Going to be a rough night folks
  10. Tonight’s going to be terrible with no cloud cover. Buckle up.
  11. I’d be trying to drain the equipment above ground. At least, get as much water out of the pumps and filters as possible so there’s room for expansion when whatever is left freezes.
  12. So, can we all expect like $10k electric bills this month? Serious question.
  13. Went out to check my hose bibs around dark and 3 out of 4 were frozen. Quick hit with the blow dryer and 2/3 were operational again in no time. Wrapped the fuck out of them and built shelters around them. Been dropping my faucets inside like a mother since Friday night. The one that wouldn’t unfreeze is supplied by a line that runs in the attic above the garage (which is uninsulated) into my spray foam sealed attic above the rest of the house. Hit it with the laser thermometer in the attic above the garage and the pipe wrap was showing 16. I guess I’m just hoping the pex can handle it at this point. Fuck.
  14. The power grid is getting slammed... ERCOT forecast has demand exceeding supply tonight at 9. Urging customers to conserve electricity to prevent rolling blackouts. Unplug/turn off shit you’re not using.
  15. Drinks aren’t already frozen? Otherwise, you should be drinking them now so they don’t go to waste when they inevitably freeze and explode.
  16. As long as you can keep the equipment running, not needed
  17. Regardless, seal the damn wounds if you cut your oak trees.
  18. Be sure to turn off your water heater if you plan to drain the lines.
  19. I thought the state mandated that the provider could not ask for proof. 100% honor system. Quick, someone get governor hot wheels on the line.
  20. Wilco presser today said FHS will be reaching out for 2nd dose scheduling, not the county.
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