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Certifiably Surly
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jimmyjazz last won the day on December 25 2024

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47771 Surly 1%


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  1. I was surprised to be walking down 5th Ave or some such in NYC a couple of summers ago and the two guys in front of us were in full Cheech and Chong mode. I didn't realize weed was legal on the streets. That was the only time I came across it, though, for being legalized it didn't seem to be that much of a big deal.
  2. So did they ever explain the head twitch?
  3. I never claimed to be smart.
  4. It was the riskiest possible punt block, dead on from 12 o'clock. Maybe coach the dude better to accept failure as opposed to running into the punter.
  5. Doesn't have an ugly-ass white pickguard. Would bang.
  6. I always default to incompetence over malfeasance as the explanation. I do think it's human nature to be energized by the underdog, though. I also believe the refs had it in their heads that they would try to let the teams play, and only try to call the most obvious fouls (false starts, offsides, etc.).
  7. I'll be surprised if they don't. Vegas has it ND -1.5, and I think they'll cover. For one thing, Freeman is proving to be a terrific coach, and Franklin is a proven moron. Blouses.
  8. Well, I disagree that there was no way to get off an "accurate" shot. It was a 500 yard target. Sniper distance, for sure, but maybe he didn't have that skill. I honestly don't know if he had something in for Aldean or if it was just garden variety terroristic mayhem. I don't recall any definitive reports.
  9. I never quite understood how that LV shooter missed Aldean. He sure hit a crap ton of other people.
  10. Texas by 32 over Florida, A&M by 13 over Florida Texas by 10 over Arkansas, A&M by 4 over Arkansas Texas by 22 over Mississippi State, A&M by 10 over Mississippi State Texas by 10 over . . . A&M Yeah, I'm not seeing it.
  11. Imagine the on-set intellectual disparity between Phil Hartman and Joe Rogan.
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