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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Had them in my last house. Loved the look, wasn't fond of my concern over (potentially unseen) water leaks. But, to me they look better than tile.
  2. Surprisingly she made it there and back in 45 minutes, and got in some shopping besides Rx pickup. Store wasn't slammed at all.
  3. Correct. It shows that A&M we run this state.
  4. Did I mention how long it can take to get a product to market? Take whatever # you're thinking of and double it, minimum.
  5. Why do guys like Tre Johnson come to Austin anyway? $NIL? Proximity to home? Other?
  6. Thank you very much, all of these are ideas worthy of consideration. In "PA mode", the docking station etc. just doesn't get used. There will be DSP in the cabinet, regardless, although that doesn't necessarily have to be the entire DSP processing power on tap.
  7. Thanks, I appreciate it. If I wasn't clear, I'm not in the market, this is market research for a design project. I want to know what's currently out there and what kind of limitations currently exist. That said, would any of you have a problem controlling your amp from a tablet or phone? I guess a linked footswitch would make that less intrusive on stage.
  8. I'm laughing. The top 7 games and 8 of the top 9. Yet, some people still seem to struggle with the concept that we are the Jones.
  9. The 10 highest salaries in CBB are reportedly $9.63M (KU's Self) down to $4.53M (Alabama's Oats). For reference, Beard made $5.26M, which I presume we would be willing to exceed by quite a bit. #3 on the current list is Izzo (MSU) at "only" $6.2M, and we're not going to go after him, nor Self or Calipari. Essentially, money won't stop us from landing whoever we would pursue in the college ranks.
  10. *Terryble All of it. I seriously doubt CDC is going to be willing to let that beautiful new arena languish.
  11. My wife is headed to the HEB pharmacy. 5 minute drive. I expect her home in 2 hours. It's amazing how much of my running grocery list I can "nope" out when people freak over some winter weather.
  12. That's why it was only a little racist.
  13. Full Range Flat Response. Basically, a PA speaker, maybe packaged differently.
  14. What part of town? I didn't notice any flickers in NW Hills, certainly nothing long enough to reset electronics.
  15. . . . and having little to no say in your roster makeup is not something they have to deal with in the college ranks.
  16. "Turnt"? I'm not exactly dialed in these days, but isn't that expression a couple of decades old?
  17. Yeah I've seen plenty that seem way evolved beyond the early Line 6 shit (and by "shit" I mean "shit"). I should have been clear -- I am not expecting this product to break ground in the modeling/simulation world, the differentiation is elsewhere. Can you point me to those products that are considered best in class?
  18. So, when do the contract terms become public? I need to ramp up my rage machine.
  19. I need some advice: I've been asked to consult on a ground-up swiss army knife approach to a powered speaker that could function in multiple roles, those mostly being PA, guitar and bass. Now, it's my opinion that those are three different animals, but modern signal processing has gotten way better in the last couple of decades, and it might be possible to build something that's pretty useful in live situations. To some degree it is already being done, so question (a) would be for feedback on which brands/models are the "best" of these amps. Cost is not necessarily a major concern there. Question (b): it seems highly unlikely that anything but a very specific few amps could be built in and controlled via traditional knobs and switches; say, PA, Ampeg B15 bass amp, and Marshall JCM 800 guitar amp. That would be very limiting. My mind rapidly goes to something that is at the very least controlled through a touch screen, and even more likely, controlled via an external controller (iPad, etc.). I've seen the latter done for PA rigs that are actually mixed in the operator's hands, and it didn't seem to be an ergonomic nightmare. Of course, don't lose the controller. Do THESE options exist for guitar and bass rigs? Would it bother you guitar/bass players to have to dial in your amp choice, change settings (volume, gain, EQ, reverb, etc.) this way? Is it unreasonable in a live setting? I don't want to get into the reasons why this product might be differentiated from what's already out there. Suffice it to say, there would be differences.
  20. So others were pulling Biden's strings from day one? Oh, and
  21. That's a good call. My first trip to Europe was with a music group and the whole itinerary was written in stone. Fortunately, Chartres was on the menu. The "cobalt blue" stained glass in the cathedral is astonishing.
  22. Very legit. I used to work with one of the Meadows, and despite having been born on third base he certainly never thought he had hit a triple. He was a good dude.
  23. All I know is, we need to go over CDC's decision to fire Beard and Beard's actions that got him there at LEAST once every page.
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