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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Yes, the nylon strings are quite odd. By "refurbished" I meant stripping and refinishing, getting any mismatched parts period correct, etc. I honestly don't know what his plans are for it. He certainly doesn't need the money, so "killing any value" may be irrelevant.
  2. So this is the latest term of the day I had to look up. Stop it.
  3. So how does he assess value, and whether it's worth getting it refurbished?
  4. Jackpot! He found this stamp: 0-15 83410
  5. It was originally his grandfather's guitar. He estimates it's 1940's-ish vintage.
  6. Those beans do look pretty good. Brisket, too.
  7. A buddy/bandmate just inherited this guitar from his Dad, who recently passed. Any thoughts on age/model? I'm thinking something like an 00-18? (No label.)
  8. Claiming fiscal responsibility is peak Aggie.
  9. Yeah, but they claim it adapts your outside hose bib, which is fed by the water utility.
  10. Ah. I thought he was writing in the moment, in situ.
  11. I got freebies to their last ACL taping. I didn't know anything about the band. I came away thinking "well, I don't need to buy any of their music". That said, a whole bunch of people were having a really great time, so I ain't judging.
  12. See, I thought Sonic Highways was weak. It was a bad premise -- write a song in a week, wasn't it?
  13. So all that does is increase demand on a vastly undersized utility. Great idea.
  14. I love "Everlong". I also love "Monkey Wrench" and "This Is a Call". To be honest, I pretty much love all the songs on their first few albums.
  15. Dumb question amnesty requested: so there's this huge (justifiable) uproar over the price of eggs. "They" are telling us that it's because of bird flu. OK. So why hasn't the price of chicken risen a similar amount, at least in my experience? Has bird flu hit the egg farms particularly hard?
  16. No, not at all, you're far from the first person voice that opinion. Moon was great, just very different from Bonham (who I obviously prefer, to each his own).
  17. I'm gonna go ahead and take the other side of that debate, and vehemently so. I loved Moon, but he was a total spaz. He couldn't swing from a rope. Bonham was the polar opposite.
  18. That's a top 50 all timer right there. Grohl tapped into the gods on that one. For me, the Foos are hard-wired into my soul. I was (am) a huge Nirvana fan, and I loved the first Foos (solo) album. I caught Dave's first tour, and that hooked me for a couple of decades. Very pure, high energy, singular songwriting.
  19. It's so different. I don't know if it's all because of Kenney Jones on drums, or if maybe he influenced Pete Townshend's writing, but it's a far tighter, even hookier song than most he ever wrote. I absolutely love it.
  20. "Italian Red Meat Flavor"? We've crossed the rubicon.
  21. Full disclosure: I respect the hell out of The Who, I just don't particularly like them. That said "My Generation", "Baba O'Reilly" and "Eminence Front" kick ass.
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