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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. Maybe it's because you're the biggest pussy on this website. Fuck off, I've been giving you rope for months and you can't see it.
  2. Yup, that's the guitar I first saw him play, in The Troll Dolls.
  3. Well, scroll back. It's 323 pages. Maybe 8-10 per day, depending. I have specifically been involved in several Archie/Peyton/Eli/Cooper discussions. Fuck it, I don't want to argue with you.
  4. Holy shit dude, this thread is full of people talking about the collective manning family from Papa down through the uncles to Dad.
  5. OK, these are my last notes. I remember liking this one quite a bit. Nothing on the actual cook, just the ingredients. I get lazy. I remember I diced the chuck roast into ~ 3/4" cubes and that was a nice contrast to the ground chuck "gravy". Apologies for using frozen onions.
  6. Hmmm. It kinda varies. Let me see what the last I notated was. Please be aware I don't know shit about shit. Never done a competition, strictly home cooking.
  7. I lament the slow slide of Smitty's. That was always my favorite Lockhart joint.
  8. When I float fresh chiles I squish them with tongs before removing. It gets most of the heat and flavor into the pot without changing the texture.
  9. Here's where the concept of "the deal" falls apart -- when Quinn got hurt. Arch had to step in and finish one game, then start and take every snap in two others. I'm would strongly suspect the Manning family had no problem with that, it's football.
  10. Irrelevance of the transitive property aside, Alabama got their shit pushed in by OU and we beat OU even worse. Any yapping about us I will summarily ignore. (Well, not really I'll bitch and laugh).
  11. Wait, you're saying we aren't winning another game, all of which will be against Top 20 opponents (or so), if we never pass the ball? Well, that's breaking news.
  12. Perhaps it's not a question of Arch not being ready, but rather just that he's not as ready as Quinn, long ball be damned. There are a lot of moving parts to Sark's passing game, even if it's mostly screens and short/intermediate throws, many of which are physically demanding.
  13. I think the bye is critical. Plus, much hilarity would ensue if Texas, a program clearly not ready for the SEC meat grinder, won the conference in year 1.
  14. Certain people just can't let it go. It's as if they think it's breaking news. (Almost) everyone acknowledges that Quinn's deep ball is not good. Arch's is clearly better. Now, look at the rest of the offense and what it demands of the QB and it's not nearly as clear some would have it. If Quinn is truly injured, Arch may have to start (or enter the game early). I really don't relish the idea of throwing the kid into that cesspool at night, but it is what it is. It's not like Quinn has any experience there either.
  15. Troy Campbell (Loose Diamonds) posted this to his Facebook page. Toni sounds absolutely lovely, and as natural as a singer can get.
  16. Oh, sorry, I forgot which thread I was on. Sorry for the bandwidth. LMAO
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