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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by jimmyjazz

  1. But how would I see his hot takes about playing basketball for UT in the stone age?
  2. Sorry, forgot to respond. I define uninformed (in this context) as failing to understand that inflation rate is a snapshot in time, and that price history is the net accumulation of inflation/deflation over a given time period. (My words.) The media and government officials could do a much better job of clarifying this. Politicians have little to no incentive to do so.
  3. jimmyjazz

    RIP John Sykes

    So when that video started I thought "well, at least they're actually playing it live", because the guitar has tuning issues that surely wouldn't make it past a studio effort. Then the band kicks in, and (my) audio is out of sync with the video. Just a lag in my computer, or do any of you notice that? I'm not saying it's lip-synced, I don't really know.
  4. Nonserious post by a nonserious poster.
  5. No, it was posited by you in real time and most people thought you were (and are) full of shit.
  6. jimmyjazz

    RIP John Sykes

    They wrote a song about an ancient mathemetician?
  7. I don't think it's a Biden "strength". I think inflation was bound to happen given the stimulus etc. during the pandemic. I don't even blame Trump for that. It happened worldwide. I do credit Biden for at least some of our quicker recovery than most Western countries. That said, I don't think it's important (except in a political vote-getting sense) to pander to the uniformed. When people can't grasp the very simple concept of price inflation and consequences thereof, I just write them off.
  8. WTF? Nobody said prices were coming DOWN. You seem a lot closer to the idiots who don't understand inflation than those who do. Guess what . . . prices rise over time. There was a day when you could order a house from Sears for $700 (roughly the mean annual salary) and have your local handyman build it for you. It's a fucking line in the sand so when shit goes south again under Trump we get to point fingers like you morons do all the time.
  9. jimmyjazz

    RIP John Sykes

    I didn't know any of his work with Thin Lizzy etc. but I always liked that Whitesnake track. That's great pop(ular) metal guitar. Smokin'.
  10. It doesn't hide anything. Current inflation is 2.9%, down from a peak of 6.6% in 2022. Anyone too stupid to understand "current" vs "peak" should have their vote taken away, but here we are.
  11. I don't think you understand what the word "precedent" means. (By the way, Ford's preemptive pardon of Nixon wasn't the first, either.)
  12. Oh no, someone thought that pardon set a bad precedent.
  13. I didn't think I was hallucinating. Of course maybe he really was referring to "Mo Bama", which is better known as "High Tide".
  14. This new preemptive pardon landscape is like no other in history. No President has ever preemptively pardoned anyone. Oh, wait, some have? Including Gerald Ford's preemptive pardon of Richard Fucking Nixon? Never mind. #gilda
  15. I see you've entered the "acceptance" stage of grief.
  16. I work next door to their station. (Well, I rarely go into the office.) She does look good.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong . . . weren't there multiple videos posted of A&M playing Mo Bamba at Kyle before our game?
  18. I'm curious what sport(s) he ended up doing in college, and where did he go (if you care to disclose)? 10.4 sec 100 m is a high D1 T&F number, and would be close to medaling in the SEC.
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