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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Did not get them. Was hoping that getting fucked no lube for peach tickets would earn me some sympathy, but I’ve got a lot to learn about the Longhorn foundation.
  2. Poor dude can have my worthless peach bowl tickets.
  3. He voted for the king ranch guy for land commissioner.
  4. Those look pretty good. Link? My kid wants a Wingo.


    The old Taco Bell on 35th is now a tiny boxwoods, which is a milf hangout.
  6. And now in business that move is called the “sooner scoop”
  7. Al Green at ACL fest Bob Dylan at ACL fest
  8. Just got charged $325 a piece from UT for tickets I could get on Seat Geek for $120 right now. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
  9. AJ Hawk is a VY Heisman truther
  10. Can I have your watch when you are dead?
  11. Hopefully not a bad omen. Immediately made me think of this: https://clemsontigers.com/the-graveyard/
  12. How’re his decorating skills up at the dick’s sporting goods?
  13. Got the notification today that I will get peach bowl tickets if we make it, but we can’t go. The lesson I need to learn is that if I qualify for tickets, that means it’s a buyers market and I don’t want any.
  14. And stork here. Everybody thought the stork was brain damaged.
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