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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. This is the one I bought from Aaron’s rock in roll:
  2. If he really was innocent I bet he’s gonna beat the shit out of Nicole in heaven.
  3. No way they interrupt that game if Jordan was playing.
  4. One handed? Impressive.
  5. I’m choosing to see it even more amazing that the earth, moon, sun and a cloud are all in perfect alignment.


    You’re our burger buddy
  7. I only have one kind of foggy memory of liberty lunch and I was outside watching a stage. So was I standing there just west of where lamberts is now?
  8. Warehouses … full o’ spaghetti.
  9. There was also The Flatliners: https://www.chron.com/entertainment/music/article/Lone-star-legends-are-alive-and-kicking-as-1668571.php
  10. I guess it’s not a big risk to steal a band name from a pacifist?
  11. I had no idea sid haig was a doctor
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