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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Not ashamed. Proud. http://www.theeagle.com/news/a_m/texas-a-m-logo-found-etched-into-column-at-rome/article_ca22aa68-3a1f-11e6-8061-630f1c077388.html
  2. Get to the Austin airport 2.5 hours early on the day of the eclipse?
  3. Miller Blueprint would be my first stop for something like that. If they can’t help you they might send you to the right place.


    Thought the same thing. I saw that manana boat several times and thought it was a bar but only appeared to be clothes.
  5. Are you using the new Apple Sports app? This happened to me yesterday and I thought tech nc state was scoreless at the 16 minute timeout.
  6. I thought Bob was actually very funny in that.
  7. I would’ve been annoyed if they canceled school.
  8. Post the picture of Ogden in his box at the Super Bowl to egg them on.
  9. I bet those people are glad they made that last phish show though. They’ve only had 11,242 chances to see them since then.
  10. Pease Park has private security now. Troll guard can be added to their duties, in between keeping adults from pooping in the splash pad and making sure the bathrooms don’t revert to their historically romantic status.
  11. Great find. I was just going to post this.
  12. If you’re going to discuss Austin area girls high school golf, at least have it be Gabbie Carter.
  13. While we’re airing our grievances, I hate the way the tickets show up on my homescreen as UTA and the app is on my phone as TexasLongh… Tickets should say “Texas Football” “Texas Basketball” etc. and the app title should just say “Texas”. I don’t know if there are reasons for these to be that way, but they annoy me. Fix this shit Rich.
  14. Got booed again giving girls basketball their trophy.
  15. Pok e Jo’s by where mean eyed cat is was in the regular rotation. Fried okra and free pickles and endless Dr Pepper won my loyalty.
  16. Maybe when he hurt his knee he pooped a little bit and freaked out.
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