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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. If you’re going to discuss Austin area girls high school golf, at least have it be Gabbie Carter.
  2. While we’re airing our grievances, I hate the way the tickets show up on my homescreen as UTA and the app is on my phone as TexasLongh… Tickets should say “Texas Football” “Texas Basketball” etc. and the app title should just say “Texas”. I don’t know if there are reasons for these to be that way, but they annoy me. Fix this shit Rich.
  3. Got booed again giving girls basketball their trophy.
  4. Pok e Jo’s by where mean eyed cat is was in the regular rotation. Fried okra and free pickles and endless Dr Pepper won my loyalty.
  5. Maybe when he hurt his knee he pooped a little bit and freaked out.
  6. So you’re telling me pumpkin and honey bunny weren’t planning on taking that whole diner with them?
  7. The Cain and Abel’s sign is way grosser than El Arroyo:
  8. Michael Corcoran’s post today is partially about your namesake: https://michaelcorcoran.substack.com/p/a-sixth-street-sesquicentennial?r=2vpa7&utm_medium=email
  9. If it’s gonna be news why wait? We gots ta know!
  10. He’s opting in to reading books and eating vegetables.
  11. She’s the daughter of that guy in deconstructing Harry.
  12. Ha. That’s great. I read it all and after all that he’s like look man there’s no way they only lose only one game they might actually lose one more.
  13. It’s just part of his Halloween costume as silly putty.
  14. Guy won’t be able to step foot in an Allsup’s ever again.
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