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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. that'll be fun to watch empty trains go by while i'm eating a burger.
  2. https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-the-south/the-mystery-of-the-headless-goats-in-the-chattahoochee
  3. Yes. You drive me nuts but I thought the same thing here. I ain’t on your side, but I ain’t on his either.
  4. Also going. Tickets are pricey at the moment.
  5. Will be out and Lake Austin. Trying to think what the best spot out there will be. Bridge would be cool but probably way too crowded. Probably go way upriver and try to find a spot to ourselves.
  6. Sounds like it works great for the stepford citizens to get over to real austin so no wonder that dude likes it. I don’t know because I don’t go over there ever, although I do like the carousel lounge.
  7. Not enough yet. Maroons stuck getting their asses kicked in 6A for another 2 years. Would much rather see them get their asses kicked a little less severely in 5A.
  8. Use of normal ought to smoke out some bleeding hearts.
  9. “And therefore to eat a shoe is a foolish signal but it was worthwhile.” -Werner Herzog
  10. Tool? Sounds kind of like you stabbed her after that.
  11. That’s before my time but great to know. I always assumed they were over by where Hula Hut is. Oldest memories I have over there was a boat place burning down and catching a ferry to something I think was called the West Bank Fish Camp … and guess I falsely put Glastron there because I feel like that fire and them moving away were at about the same time. But I was a dumb kid back then.
  12. Tough life selling gym memberships in Positano.
  13. Obviously I meant Russell Korman but I’d had several beers at the game. Now I want to watch Death Race 2000.
  14. Welcome to the party pal I recommend the pics of her whacking the guy off in a theater.
  15. Did he get in the Houston huddle at one point?
  16. Roger Korman finally broke ground at the old University Schwinn spot. Been tired of that fuckin’ eyesore too.
  17. My in laws got my son an obvious knock off jersey for Christmas and I had to secretly replace it with a real one to save him but also save them. Shit still pisses me off.
  18. These have all seemed particularly amusing.
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