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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. I’m picturing the beginning of heavens gate.
  2. Since it got immortalized in a spoon song as sound exchange, I’m going to stick with that, but i always like hearing about things from before my time.
  3. I took this as a positive for that. What are you implying?
  4. If we ever play Wisconsin we should do that DJ Quik song from the Menace II Society soundtrack.
  5. This is the tech thread. Stay on subject please.
  6. Who does the picture like that where ewers looks like he has horns? They should stop.
  7. It is no longer necessary to make that profound observation.
  8. It’s the smart move. TCU was always smarter.
  9. Interesting. I’ve heard that Daniel Okrent, who invented fantasy baseball at le rotisserie restaurant in New York and gave his creation that name, had previously pitched it to some writers he met at the pit who weren’t interested, otherwise it might have been know as pit league baseball. Always assumed that meant the one there by knife sharpist, but I guess it could’ve been any of these and that 5th or congress is more likely. Love old shit that I didn’t know about so thanks for the lesson.
  10. Really? That’s before my time. Related to the one on burnet?
  11. Pea eye Parker, but you can see what you want to see
  12. Winning by 35 would frustrate a certain segment of the fan base.
  13. The sexual tension is palpable. Maybe this season make a move?
  14. She didn’t realize it was a town. She was happy to know what was correct but doubted she would get feedback from Delawareans over a similar error. Go have a gas station burrito.
  15. A New Yorker piece on willie Nelson described Abbott as being near a famous train crash site in west Texas. I emailed the writer and said great profile but it should’ve read west, Texas. She said she’d never received so much feedback for one missing comma and that Texans are nuts.
  16. People in crested butte love it when you claim it as part of Texas.
  17. Hopefully we win so convincingly they shut down the space program.
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