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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. It says boobs on that poll. This is bullshit. Pan down.
  2. He was into that whole Yale thing
  3. Whenever I see those Waymos I do this:

    A Jew

    I saw him do an interview where someone asked him if he thought he could make blazing saddles today. He said he didn’t think so because he’d take them the script and they’d say “are you crazy? You already made this exact movie!”
  5. Looks like Ewers should transfer to SMU if he ever wants to win a Super Bowl.
  6. It reminds me of when the sun would try to kill you in Mario brothers.
  7. Honorary captains are Justin Tucker and Bradley Cooper.
  8. Yeah but before Texas all they sold was ice cream. I’ve always understood that it was a DQ on the drag that first sold a burger. For the Allsups lover in your life: https://www.shopyeswayallsups.com/p/lifestyle-work/gifts-home/gifts-leisure/ppnyqi/yesway-allsup-s-allsup-s-burrito-pillow-170/
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