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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. When there have been a lot of posts at night you can make a solid educated guess as to what’s going on. If the posting takes place in the morning then it may be worth checking out.
  2. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” - Upton Sinclair
  3. 40 grand? Is this your idea of a joke?
  4. The move was to put a little cupped piece of napkin filled with pepper in the top of the salt shaker and vice versa so that people got the opposite of what they wanted.
  5. That is a solid selection slot right there. I’m 3 weeks out and feel real bad about myself.
  6. Can I get an update on the Scientology building? Every time I drive by it I get annoyed. Is the Texas theater/eckerds part of the same property? That areas getting a little better with the foxtrot thing going in, but still a lot of investor blight making it look like shit.
  7. It is also possible you grew up in a hostile household.
  8. The "garage"? Hey fellas, the "garage"! Well, ooh la di da, Mr. French Man.
  9. They aren’t poor. They are actually quite wealthy.
  10. I just learned about reverse milkshake duck and I predict that blink 182 boy cures a disease or something.
  11. Could it have sprung a leak before it got to crush depth which made it impossible to ascend? Then it slowly filled with water as it went deeper and deeper, toward its ultimate spot beside the great Olympic class liner at rest in the frigid abyss?
  12. I watched Ghosts of the Abyss last night. Their subs looked slightly nicer than that thing.
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