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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Taking the kids to the Alamo tomorrow night. I’m sure they’ll have some cool shit before the movie. Hopefully they include the part on 3-1 when you jump on that turtle shell so many times that you get unlimited free men and they have to represent the number with flags and shit.
  2. He just wanted to forget his kid was a aggy
  3. I would love to see what a world where derka gets along with people looks like.
  4. Great now all his pussy friends’ll move here
  5. I just like the duck. I think it’s cool.
  6. We should throw a bunch of dummies in the lake one night.
  7. Colorado River Killer * We would like to recognize that these killings took place on the ancestral lands of the Tonkawa People. Please take a moment to celebrate and honor this ancestral Tonkawa land, and the sacred land of all indigenous peoples.
  8. Noticed that too. They workshopped the shit out of that one.
  9. I would like to play that original Tetris. I’m sure it’s available somewhere online.
  10. Each time I’ve driven by to or from Cisco’s there has not been a line, so I’ll go check it out.
  11. Are they under 35? Maybe they’re riding scooters and the phone thinks they’re on the road so punch it chewy?
  12. This thread got churned up last night around midnight with a “back in rehab” post. Has kind of languished here in the morning. I’ll check back after noon.
  13. Go put up a game cam yourself. Get famous.
  14. This is why lady bird didn’t want the lake named after her.
  15. Jerseys are great. Wish we had on blue hats with block T.
  16. They should remake cape fear with the Mitchum/de niro part played by an actor of color.
  17. Of course. I bet on this game. Also bet on the mavs last night. I am terrible at this.
  18. “Rubbing her female genitals” is a surprisingly disturbing and disturbingly suggestive phrase.
  19. Just signed my kid up for Jr. Rangers. Sad to see the sponsor is now Golden Chick instead of Dr Pepper.
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