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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Looks like Ewers should transfer to SMU if he ever wants to win a Super Bowl.
  2. It reminds me of when the sun would try to kill you in Mario brothers.
  3. Honorary captains are Justin Tucker and Bradley Cooper.
  4. Yeah but before Texas all they sold was ice cream. I’ve always understood that it was a DQ on the drag that first sold a burger. For the Allsups lover in your life: https://www.shopyeswayallsups.com/p/lifestyle-work/gifts-home/gifts-leisure/ppnyqi/yesway-allsup-s-allsup-s-burrito-pillow-170/
  5. So long and thanks for all the terminator gold to get summer jobs.
  6. Just like when I set out to get blown by a hot chick, then shit happens...
  7. This response will be interesting around noon or so.
  8. This paragraph seemed relevant: Pedestrian malls have succeeded in college towns like Boulder, Colo., and Charlottesville, Va. They have succeeded in cities with substantial numbers of tourists, such as Denver and Miami Beach, or in towns with a significant downtown residential population. They work where there is an attractive body of water nearby. Perhaps most of all, they work if they are easy to get into and out of, either by car or by an appealing transit system that visitors are willing to use. It isn't mandatory to have all these positive features, but it's hard to make the concept work if you don't have some of them.
  9. I remember John David crow getting this honor in 2012 and thinking that was weird.
  10. Took me a second. I was like what the fuck did Dan Buckner do?

    A Jew

    Tough fall for antisemitic Italian byu fans.
  12. I always enjoy getting a peak at how shitty his house looks.
  13. I’ve liked Spoon since I was nineteen and still in school waiting on a light on the corner by Sound Exchange.
  14. Would be funnier if you said eight fifty
  15. I have never seen that place in my life.
  16. I took my kids (six and nine) and they didn’t complain this much. Did you guys try the duck game where everybody gets a prize?
  17. I swear the Capitol used to just be open after hours, and that we cut through there on foot after leaving 6th at 2, but that seems crazy. Was that real?
  18. That will destroy my commute from the elephant room to the cloak room.
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