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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. I wish the Scientology building would wrap up so I can get back to worshippin’.
  2. I like the University Lands logo. I imagine that some aggy demanded that there be some maroon on there, and we obliged, but it was ensured that it remained 2/3 orange:
  3. I guess for us they’ll offset aggy and Arkansas so we’ll have one or the other here each season. So Ross Bjork guarantees the first Arkansas game will be in Austin.
  4. Nice call on that Dennis Wilson. I like that river song on there.
  5. The capitol mall is great. Once they finish the Blanton that whole area’ll be awesome.
  6. It’s nice, but it’s not groundbreaking. Pizza and bbq are solid dinner options in our food desert. Overall, I’d rather have AppleTree back.
  7. Of course. Coming from a town with such an iconic music tradition.
  8. What about Dave matthews? We have one less of him.
  9. Went to George’s after the game Saturday. Still had a picture of Briles on the wall in there.
  10. She probably thought she was in the intestines of a giant robot.
  11. Went to see their stadium before they switch and we leave the conference. That stadium made me appreciate the moody center. Stood in line for terrible concessions all half. Their fans are mostly dorks. I felt like I was at a lock in. Saw like one hot chick. There was a text vote between 3 songs and one of them was footloose, which felt a little on the nose. They upgraded some fans into this “suite.” Worst seats in the house and it looked like a dumpster. Very weird. But it didn’t seem to be a joke.
  12. At the Iowa state game, they did that student vs. alumnus game, and one of the questions was what was limewire for. Kids says downloading music and me and my friends who all lived in towers in that era laughed and yelled WRONG!
  13. Except that the job he got fired from is the only one it didn’t make sense to upgrade from.
  14. Double points when you use the Texas One Card to buy tickets. Quadruple points for beers in the stadium.
  15. They should make a credit card that instead of rewards pays into the Texas One Fund.
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