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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Glad y’all enjoyed it. Yes, Bless the Mood is terrible and must be retired. Red light.
  2. Y’all are talking about different things. Just move on. Shit.
  3. Well put that famous Westlake networking into action and get her Gabbie Carter’s contacts to set up an internship.


    Are you aware that Sterling Morrison went to UT? Cool thing I didn’t know until lately.
  5. This one is good: https://www.ebay.com/itm/374361829873?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=-DoDj2NRT6q&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=XgEZ7F-sQQG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Worst thing I ever did was dump a bowl full of pistachio shells on my wife’s head and walk off. Still ashamed of that.
  7. People post their real transcripts? I had to order mine for a credential and was embarrassed just knowing it existed. I burned it in the backyard and deleted the pdf and email.
  8. Also frees up the hobby building to be imploded so pour one out for about a million rats.
  9. I can’t figure out which side you are on so I don’t know if I should praise or attack you.
  10. I watch very little soccer. I watched the show, went to 2 austin fc games and watched 3 on tv. A question I had for my more into it friends while I watched this show was “would austin beat these guys?” to which I was scoffed at and assured that they would kill Wrexham. So maybe the point is to prove my friends correct.
  11. Somebody doxx YGIFS again so he’ll shut up for a couple of months.
  12. Post in here that you are looking for tickets.
  13. Yes and when we lose in the tournament the choke comments will be unavoidable. Oh well.
  14. An interesting element of their made up stories is that they are friends with people at UT.
  15. Yeah I balance a baby Ruth on top of mine and have never had a problem ever.
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