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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MAUFRAIS

  1. Dont think so. I remember the option to save on zelda being groundbreaking.
  2. Greatest West Comma Texas trainwreck ever: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_at_Crush
  3. I saw polyphonic spree is playing a festival in longview this weekend, which should be interesting, then noticed die spitz is opening. Can they mule some pizza king take and bakes to austin?
  4. pretty sure that sidewalk is just the ghetto stopgap put in after they announced the new bridge to last until it was completed. sounds like it's good enough for you though.
  5. Did you also prefer crossing on the old lamar bridge?
  6. That will be way better than crossing on the dam.
  7. That you rank china beach above apocalypse now?
  8. Prediction: Once sark arch and Quinn navigate this stretch and Quinn is back and we beat ou and Georgia, these people will start criticizing arch for relinquishing the starting role this season and try to paint it as a sign of weakness.
  9. Nice to hear a true American success story


    In today’s episode, Don Draper forgets his 4 digit code to use the copier in Carrizo Springs and the fat elderly Mexican ladies get annoyed and then look it up for him.
  11. There was a made for tv movie where she got date raped at o. Henry if you’re into that kinda thing.
  12. And don’t waste money on Latin classes
  13. Maybe get one of those little rides like the old lady in Gremlins?
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