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Everything posted by HornStar

  1. I had no idea there were so many shitting gifs out there.
  2. Crickets, and videos of people shitting.
  3. I went back over there tonight. Crickets.
  4. Could he really be that clueless to think that the board would stay intact after a forced ownership change?
  5. What the heck could his motivation have been?
  6. I'm still trying to figure out Kevin (who killed more than 5 hooker at Eskimo Hut).
  7. post a post that makes other posts LOL
  8. Or was that just 3 or 4 guys and tons of socks?
  9. Did people really post in the Cloak Room?
  10. 2^6 = 64, so with 12 posts I'd be there?
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