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Bob Lives!

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bob Lives!

  1. Pretty sure the feds have the same probable cause issues as Texas b/c they also legalized hemp. Of course, most of these guys never watched STFU Friday’s so they end up giving law enforcement probable cause by opening their big dumb mouths. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. @Zavala that post was for you too. i won't be engaging you in the private conversation you requested in my DM's. i don't consider a person that takes your stance to be worthy of such a conversation. i only engage in these conversations publicly in the hope of reaching reasonable minds who happen to be reading along. You accuse me of 'wasting my life' b/c I use MJ but in my judgment, DM'ing you is far more wasteful.
  3. Both links are fine. Here’s two new ones that say the same: Teen use down: https://kdvr.com/2019/07/09/study-recreational-marijuana-legalization-tied-to-decline-in-teen-use/ “Laws that legalized recreational marijuana were associated with an 8% drop in the number of high schoolers who said they used marijuana in the last 30 days, and a 9% drop in the number who said they’d used at least 10 times in the last 30 days, according to the paper published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics on Monday.” CO spends marijuana money on public school system: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/9kx8bd/how-colorado-spent-its-dollar1-billion-in-weed-money “Of the Marijuana Tax Cash Fund’s budget, 16.4% has gone to education initiatives since retail sales were legalized, according to the state. That’s bankrolled school construction projects, youth literacy, and anti-bullying programs. Lawmakers even set aside $25 million in tax revenue to help school districts in the state set up full-day kindergarten programs, according to the Colorado Sun.” I’m sorry that you don’t like my use of the word “lies” and see it as uncivil. I’m not calling you a liar per se, but the things you are repeating are in fact lies. They are harmful lies and they are used to perpetuate a war that is wasting taxpayer money and denying medicine to the sick. I’m asking you civilly and politely to please stop repeating them. I’m asking you this as a person who pays 6 figures a year in taxes and donates >100 hrs/yr to a non-profit for foster kids all while using marijuana daily to prevent seizures caused by my golf ball-sized brain tumor (and b/c I’d want to use it anyways, regardless). I admit, remaining civil in the face of the propaganda from pro-drug war zealots (which I realize you are not among) is infuriating, particularly when MJ’s Schedule 1 status outlaws the testing we need to disprove their claims. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Both lies. Teen use down, per JAMA: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-teens-marijuana-laws/legalizing-pot-tied-to-less-teen-marijuana-use-idUSKCN1U32HL Marijuana sales tax money goes to the Public School Fund and Public School Capital Construction Assistance Fund, not drug education, per CO. https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/revenue/disposition-marijuana-tax-revenue You don’t get to just make shit up. Support your claims. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. You post and your concern sounds you're working off the basic assumption that legalization guarantees an increase in use and corresponding increase in users behind the wheel. This is false. In kids, we've seen the opposite. Use has gone down. Conversely, we've seen absolutely no drop in drug addiction or drug use of any kind since the beginning of prohibition decades and trillions of dollars ago. So the current system does nothing to allay the basis of your fears - drug use. You only think it does b/c your thinking sits on this false foundation. States that legalized marijuana saw a spike in traffic deaths briefly and then a drop back to normal. The end result was legalization had no statistical impact on traffic accidents. The fear of intoxicated drivers is real and reasonable. It is separate entirely from a discussion about prohibition. Drug War zealots have a hard time wrapping their head around it. They're stuck on the idea that the people they put in cages or killed and the money they spent all went to some good use. It didn't. As for testing ability, we do have blood testing and you can get testimony from toxicologists about the level of marijuana intoxication from blood test results. Its reliability is up for debate for. Science is also mixed as to whether or not marijuana use at moderate levels actually even impairs your driving ability anyways. Unfortunately, the Schedule I status of MJ makes it difficult to do much actual testing on this subject. It does need to be done! In the meantime, I'd much rather rely on the standardized field sobriety test like the walk and turn or one leg stand. After all, I really don't care what substance you're on. I care whether or not you have your normal mental and physical faculties. BTW, thanks for coming to the conversation by stating a concern, even if it's misguided in relation to the prohibition debate, rather than coming in hot like Zavala and saying wrong-headed, insulting bullshit.
  6. Can I lay into this blithering idiot here, or do I need to save that for CR? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. is that an old Graffix bong that's blurred out?
  8. a) why is a guy worth 8 figs smuggling drugs to make an extra ~$200k? b) Hemp, now legal federally and in Texas, smells EXACTLY like illegal cannabis. So...if a drug dog that's trained to smell marijuana alerts on a car, does that even give rise to probable cause anymore? I don't see how it could. It's no different than if the dog were trained to alert on tobacco. The dog's alert is no longer evidence of possession of a controlled substance.
  9. The idea is that you’re supposed to hear the evidence and testimony in court. That way it’s under oath and deemed admissible for your consideration by the judge. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Shaka Smart quote? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Watch The Game Changers on Netflix. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. With the Wilson and DCG transfers and the early signees, how are we looking on the 85 limit? How much room left for late signing day and transfers? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. pretty serious offer list for a kid with that ranking.
  14. Need some help translating aggie here. Is he saying that an aggie mod deleting a thread containing negative rumors about Texas means the rumors are true?
  15. His usual, being defiant with coaches. But I’m sure when he gets to college he’ll do a great job complying with all the demands of his coaches, professors, tutors, trainers, etc. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Twitter says he was sent home for being trash. I buy it. Kinda wish he’d signed with aggie. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Little brother looks like a good addition to the WR crew to me: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Fire Tom Herman. Hire Lincoln Riley. Dammit!
  19. Make up your mind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. With all do respect, it’s been a blessing to be apart of this. Yada yada. OU sucks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Seriously, where is Owens?
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