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Bob Lives!

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Everything posted by Bob Lives!

  1. Any relation b/t Gary and Antonio?
  2. If the contract was for more than one year of service, it would’ve had to be in writing. #StatuteOfFrauds
  3. Thinking about a family night at Moody
  4. The market will obviously fall. The question is when. Paying $10-20k over sticker for Tahoes and Escalades can’t last forever. How long until supply increases to bring things back to normal? Wish I knew. The lease on my wife’s X7 is about up and our only options are to 1) order something new at MSRP and wait 4-12 months, 2) go with the very slim pickings on the lot and pay over MSRP for less than ideal or 3) just pay the residual and wait this market out. Looks like we’re going with option 3 at this point. The residual price on the X7, which was leased pre-pandemic, is ~$15k below current market price.
  5. Black powder coat > Chrome
  6. Those are these: https://www.autorimshop.com/media/catalog/product/cache/d04e3d2c625b66f9230fa7e9d73c508d/a/l/aly96593u30.jpg I think you may be seeing the balancing weights inside the rim. Or nice a layer of water spots from the recent rain.
  7. Life's too short.
  8. If I was Auburn, I’d already have Traylor signed up.
  9. This one had me going for a second there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Row 60 which is under the westside overhang so you're in the shade for all but the first few minutes of the game. Just a couple seats over from Section 7. $75 per. I'll throw in a free parking spot at my office near MLK & Lavaca, which is street level so it doesn't require waiting 2 hours to get out of like the state garages. I'll take Venmo and electronically transfer through the app.
  11. A sheriff’s deputy wrote the citation, not a trooper. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. If you’re looking for bias, I’m not sure why you’d look at the DA who received the charge. She didn’t go to Tech for undergrad. I’d look at Bobby Hiser, who could’ve let this go. He wrote the citation. He’s also a MAGA hat (no CR intended) whose son (maybe) can be seen wearing a OU shirt on his FB page. (I’m not alleging any bias myself. Just trying to point it in a more appropriate direction.) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Attempting an MJ swap at Canton’s trade days? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Apparently VZC’s standard offer on a Class B MJ charge is less than a slap on the wrist. Technically he’s facing up to 180 days in jail and a $2k fine with a 6 mos license suspension, but not realistically. Standard offers there in most cases is a plea to a Class C misdemeanor, payment of Hopefully Sark suspends him for the first half of @Tech and calls it a day and gives everyone a thorough talking to about the greatest danger posed by marijuana: getting caught with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. If his commute to Tyler took him through VZC, he went the wrong damn way. He should be entering Smith Co through Henderson Co on Hwy 31. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. How the hell is he in East Texas? Didn’t we have practice today? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Game day atmosphere has overall significantly improved since CDC took over, so I don’t wanna sound all negative, but… How do you add all that big screen and digital ribbon space and still end up offering the fans less stats and scores? in the past, the board would repeat the names involved in the last play and the ref’s calls. That’s gone and so are much of the stats. And how the hell have we not already sued the hell out of whoever sold us this barely functioning big screen? (I volunteer for the job!) Also, if you’re in the suite on the east side a couple doors north of the 50, would you please stop draping your flags over the light boards? No one needs your personal touch added to the overall aesthetic and it looks like crap. Thanks. Last thing. Didn’t the south end zone Bevo cut out used to have LED around it? Where’d that go? I thought we were supposed to be adding that around the rest of the stadium this year too. Now there’s none. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. We got 3.2 at the 360 bridge. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Take it to CR. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. My selection was last Wednesday but I missed it b/c I was whitewater rafting at the time on the Snake River in WY and had no signal. This concludes my humble brag. By the time I got to a signal, they’d chosen for me and put me 20+ rows up in the upper deck with the sun on my neck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Cook’s not a fan of Pettaway? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. This would’ve had to have happened at night for the shooting to be at all justified. Texas Penal Code has a provision in it that's a carryover from the cattle rustling days. It permits a person to use deadly force to prevent a theft so long as it is occurring at night. Regardless, I still think the provision above about recklessly doing so would apply here and this case should have been indicted and presented to a jury. Ogg obviously disagreed. BTW, I just settled a somewhat similar case against the homeowner for the homeowners policy limits a few minutes ago. And if I represented the parents of this nine year old, I could do the same for them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. The odd/even license plate thing is over. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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