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Burnt Ends Dinner with Gunnar Helm March 28th ×


Burnt Ends
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MissingInAction last won the day on October 6 2023

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  1. Anyone here had a biopsy sent out for further analysis? I've had a MRI,cat scan, then biopsy. Still no answers.
  2. Is it prison porn?
  3. Guys like that eventually express their true selves. "He was my neighbor for ten years. Always nice, helped with the yard work."
  4. Seriously. When is that dude gonna give his balls a tug?
  5. I wear track suits now.
  6. Dog sitting this weekend. Lil pup testing Luna's patience. Sound on. VID_20250315_174741695.mp4
  7. The correlation between magats and evangelical window lickers ain't a coincidence.
  8. Original Speak no Evil would like a word. But yes. There is no limit to the cruelty of these cunts. I refuse to go down in history like the neighbors of Auschwitz. We need a leader. I've got too many skeletons in my closet to do it myself, but I'm ready to fight. Who is it going to be?
  9. Wasn't he a valet at the age of 40?
  10. Ham?
  11. Olds. Took a trip with my mother. Asked her to email the plane ticket. Nope, had to print it out.
  12. To add; Now that Ukraine is under the UK and France nuclear umbrella pooty is totally fucked.
  13. MoosePiss? Hard pass. I'd rather make prison wine.
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