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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. What in the ever living fuck is wrong with you? Holy shit you cunts are coming out of the woods now aren't you? Talk about pussy ass bitch. That's you.
  2. Save a spot. I woke up depressed.
  3. I'm not joking It's the only way. I'll be at 45th lamar Chili's tomorrow. Come on out
  4. Be sure to use strongly worded text.
  5. Who knew not being a traitor would tank their campaign.
  6. God damn you dip shits have no idea. A puppet despot is taking control of the most powerful military force in history. Dafuq do I care? We all die.
  7. Last post cause I wanna get laid. Books. Something one may find in a library. No algorithm no agenda.
  8. God damn it. Has surly become the vessel of critical thought?
  9. I was just thinking about this. How do you convey a concept to third graders?
  10. I'm still going to Chili's tomorrow. I won't let trump take that from me
  11. The stock market will crash tomorrow.
  12. Ha! Glad you made it long enough to hate the world.
  13. It's exactly what the morons have been dreaming of.
  14. Thats a lot of typing to tell us we are totally fucked.
  15. Dude. Exact same in the party group I run with. May be time to be less cool to these assholes.
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