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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. It's pouring rain in Austin. I shall interpret this as a sign of good fortune from the gods.
  2. Taking Luna to the vet at 11 just to stave off the liver poisoning.
  3. She just drug me back home so we may have a chance.
  4. Hey id be happy to be a guest at a family shit show to observe as a neutral third party. Kind of like Jane Goodall with more booze.
  5. We're old. Once someone laughs at a joke we'll repeat over and over until someone laughs at another joke. Rinse repeat.
  6. Superhero movie girls pretty funny Leslie Nelson, and created by same crew as Naked Gun.
  7. I more of an action and horror movies fan.
  8. He's just getting his maw ready for prison. Same as his dick jerking dance.
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