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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. Countdown was a pretty good horror flick. About an app that predicts your exact time of death, and if you try anything to save yourself... Well you gone die.
  2. Uh it's controlled by the lizard vampires, duh wake up sheeple
  3. Terrible. Didn't make it 20 minutes in
  4. Speaking of bullies. Mack's pussy bitch ass got bullied by cock chugging stoops on the reg. Sark ain't got no time for that bullshit.
  5. What, I bow out and all the sudden it's back on? I am very very bored.
  6. Just like my super model girlfriend. Just have to send her $1000 for her flight to get kidney surgery.
  7. Sorry. Didn't realize it was an actual veteran turning over his own purple heart to that absolute parasite. Or was it staged? Who the fuck knows anymore.
  8. Reminds of that dip shit in somestan being cheered while he lifted a 10 pound pipe.
  9. Wait! How the fuck does this coward award himself anything?
  10. Ok. My impotent rage is not so impotent now. This fucking piece of shit.
  11. In the butt. Has there ever been an INTERNationAL whore like this before? Other than me and @Brisketexan of course.
  12. Yes. Now I'm back to stressing over orher shit I have no control over.
  13. Yep. It's easy to be scary as a 300 pound 6 foot 3 ginger.
  14. I give Luna a pile of pig intestines on the patio with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre score playing through the window. One night only though.
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