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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. Id like to think Walz picked that song specifically because dotard got sued for using it.
  2. If Walz yells "Balz to the Walz!" I may just stroke out.
  3. I watched the Spartans play them there a long ass time ago. The sight lines arent that great above row 20.
  4. Don't walk your pups in this hot ass blast furnace. Wake up a bit earlier, then wait until it's dark for an hour. Luna can't even enjoy her favorite hobby of barking at homeless people loitering at the bus stop out front.
  5. I've been to the battlefield. The union troops were trying to advance up a 40 degree incline with cannons pointed down at them. An absolute meat grinder. Tablets cover the area marking where entire companies were obliterated.
  6. It feels like I'm breathing air straight out of a BBQ pit without the taste.
  7. There's a Black Methodist church down the street from me. You best believe I'll be there Sunday!
  8. Just wait till this tailgate season. I've cut my cheeseburger intake by half.
  9. Blitzkrieg+winning hearts and minds is a recipe for victory.
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