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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. Thanks for the encouragement. I don't think there will be an issue of acceptance, just confusion from ignorance. They took my delinquent ass in as one of there own when I was a teenager.
  2. I'd nominate Los Zetas. Those guys are predominantly ex-military/SOF.
  3. Figured he'd go into gay porn so, good for him.
  4. Isn't Iceland pretty much the tip of one massive volcano, and all the smaller volcanoes on the tip are venting it?
  5. I for one welcome our new swifty overlords.
  6. I'll be spending my t-day with my adopted family. The only drama in the past 20 years has been a family member dropping into the deep hole of depression/addiction. She passed earlier this year.RIP. She was the only one who ever caused drama so I thought we'd be in the clear. Found out today that one of the grandkids came out as trans recently. This will be the first family holiday with that news. I'm happy for he/him, it's gonna be difficult in a family half full of devout catholics. Not being a blood family member I'm usually the one the black sheep come to for rational conversation.
  7. Next time you're at a Bucees pick up some of these bad boys. Also grab a gallon of your favorite drink because you will be very thirsty
  8. It's funny how Luna disassociates from dogs with bad behavior. We visit a friend and her two dogs once a month, and her pups have absolutely zero training or discipline. She snarls at them when they get too close, and looks on in disgust while they jump on people and beg at the dinner table.
  9. Transitive "analysis" is a waste of time. ESPN brainwashed us into thinking it's actually analysis.
  10. Completely shitting the bed for 2 minutes and 2 touchdowns seems to be our norm now. It happened at the worst part of the game against ousux and almost against kstate. That said..9-1 feels good. Corn aggy will get mudholed.
  11. I'm seeing Terrier/yorky, but it doesn't matter. He's your good boy forever.
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