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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. You can record every single Red Hot Chili Peppers song off of 101x over the course of a week.
  2. He can be a boss, or a leader. Boss's suck because they lead by decree. Leaders lead by example and respect. If he wants to attract and retain top talent, then being a boss isn't the way to do it.
  3. Some great Sark quotes in here, but turn your ad blocker on. https://www.burntorangenation.com/2023/11/6/23949303/steve-sarkisian-officiating-holding-calls-kevin-mar-texas-longhorns
  4. I got a job offer with a good 15% increase in salary, but they wanted me to come into the office 4 days a week. Fuck that noise. I dont know what dollar amount it would take to get me back into the rush hour butt fucking.
  5. Back to the walk in malfunction: that was the whole cause of Carms meltdown. He never got around to getting it replaced, and he blamed himself having a relationship for the oversite. Or more importantly he blamed himself for trying to be happy for once. The humanity of this show is its power more than anything else IMO.
  6. Bunch of dudes stuck in a tube underwater for weeks or even months at a time. It doesn't count though. Just like in prison.
  7. Genius, not dumbass. Also not on facebook.
  8. When Evil Lurks Holy shit. There were several literal jaw dropping moments for me, and I watch some really fucked up shit. This flick raised the bar on horror, that's for fucking sure. Can't say much else without spoiling anything because it is 100% original.
  9. Luna is good with males unless they try to hump her. That's the only time she's actually terrified me. I only go to my complex dog park where she doesn't have to teach any more lessons. Her new pal is a 110 pound male rottie. He is her Duckie. Just rolls over the second she walks in and waits for her to sniff his junk. Then it's play time. What man hasn't done that for his lady?
  10. Truth. Luna is top bitch and she will not give up that position without a fight.
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