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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. 20 inches? That's a lot, even for South Austins mom. Savannah is a beautiful city. Well it was 30 years ago anyway.
  2. Monkey Man. Should be titled Bolly Wick. Great action and story.
  3. I'm Irish/German. Switch back and forth on St Patty's and Octoberfest like daylight savings.
  4. Holy shit, there's no doubt. Hadn't thought of that. I was giving dotard too much credit.
  5. Did these actors take dialect lessons from William Shatner?
  6. Id like to fly a F-16 kamikaze style right into the fucking Kremlin. Simulation only, of course.
  7. No hookers and blow? This list is invalid.
  8. He tried and didn't make it 20 more yards before Luna was eating bologna out of his pockets. No harm done to dipshit.
  9. Well thanks for bringing back that trauma.
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