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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. This is someone who has never fucked an octopuss.
  2. Do you mean educating reality vs fantasy? Does 2+2=5?
  3. Yep. The house adjusts to the betting because the house never loses.
  4. She better have enough meth for both of us.
  5. I support the public sector, and everyone at every agency is just beat down. I usually get three calls a day to help move a project along, but now nothing. I mean fucking nothing.
  6. She did some good things. I honestly think she cares at some level. Holy shit.... She trump'd us.
  7. We need to workshop this. Let's get Chad in here with the white board. Where are my fucking dry erase markers!?!? Can't wait for my dick to be monetized.
  8. He didn't just grab his throat. He pinched the carotid arteries into the wind pipe. Simultaneously knocking him out while cutting air supply.
  9. Yea, what bout the weather for the past 20k years? I bet it got really cold.
  10. They may have found Jesus, but they won't find that.
  11. The Espanol announcer calls him "Mr. Clutch".
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