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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by MissingInAction

  1. Thanks for killing my boner.
  2. Can we at least get a celebrity sex tape?
  3. It was Florida shitting out third string DBs I don't expect much tomorrow.
  4. TOUCHDOWN DE LONGHORRRNNNSSS! is all you need to hear.
  5. When a post hits too close to home and I'm ashamed of that. Or for, I'm out.
  6. No shit. That dude is my shitty pot luck lunch spirit animal.
  7. I've got a shit glass in Red River when I was 10. Still have it at my home bar. You underestimate the power and pleasure of a gummer.
  8. Why that's better than speed holes.
  9. We don't need another Captain marvel unless she's getting nekkid.
  10. You're gonna have to post pics of paystubs. Do you drive a mid 90s Corvette?
  11. If we don't get Hulk Hogan as.. something...then yea I'll riot.
  12. Love the title change. Legit LOL. Then the sobbing.
  13. If we want this to keep rolling we have got to pitch in as much as we can. It's a great time, but it costs a lot of time and money. Santa isn't just dropping this event out of his ass. So come on! Let's keep the dream alive!
  14. Beginning to think about at what point do they STOP people from leaving the country. As the insanity comes to fruition, everyone with the means to GTFO will do so. I know I am. The corporate overlords aren't going to like all of their talent leaving.
  15. Hope @immamac has the magnets and drills ready to destroy the surly servers.
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