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Johnny Chimpo

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Everything posted by Johnny Chimpo

  1. Vegas seems attractive given the circumstances.
  2. There’s still no chicks in mammoth bars, that’s for damn sure
  3. Queue up an oil spill environmental mess. You can already see the oil floating around them in the water there.
  4. Man, that’s a win.
  5. I fished that combo without changing the line and had success. The first few outings you’ll just be focusing on getting your casting down anyhow.
  6. That one should be fine! I don’t think 4 wt vs 5 wt makes a huge difference. 5 weight is the usual starting spot for a generalist rod but going down one shouldn’t be an issue for a beginner.
  7. Redington crosswater combo was where I started my journey. Granted that was 11 years ago now. It was a good entry point, $150 at the time for a 9’ 5 wt rod with a reel.
  8. Mac brown scares you to death.
  9. Hopefully nobody pukes in there and amplifies the nickel smell.
  10. It’s horrendous man
  11. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer fella
  12. cZ makes a really nice 22 as well if you’re not dead set on a semi auto.
  13. Penn battle 3000 rod / reel combo. 20 lb braid. Barrel swivels, circle hooks, 1/8 Oz jig heads, and a variety of swim baits dark and light colored. Circle hooks if you want to soak bait. A Popping cork would be a good add to have. Some 1 Oz Carolina rigs.
  14. is that Bigfoot in the truck bed?
  15. ASTS has been on the March from $2 and change to $18+. I think it’s a legit company. Check it out. Plan is to replace cell towers with satellites in orbit.
  16. Need a thread reader link plz?? I have no X account.
  17. That makes a lot of sense! Thanks
  18. What’s the thread wisdom on SBR/Pistol 300 BO uppers. Doing research it seems like Radian makes a badass one. So does Q, the honey badger. The sig rattler also looks pretty dope. Should I get a prebuilt complete upper or build one out? I’m thinking like a 9” hand guard, 10.5” barrel. There’s also a huge price difference between the Gucci makers and then just putting together something like ballistic advantage or Aero. Is that cost difference just branding? How real is it on something that’s useful range is probably under a hundred yards? Does the lower manufacturer make a big difference? People online act like Radians lowers are the end-all be all. But for 500 vs 80 for an aero what’s the real difference?
  19. Once they started lagging behind the money market funds I pulled all my money out. Thankfully. I hate to hear people have money trapped in there. That’s the worst.
  20. yea I’m unclear on that point myself.
  21. I really appreciate all y’all who keep posting news in this thread. It’s one of my favorites to keep up with. This aggression will not stand!
  22. Brophy Bros in Santa Barbara is a nice stop along the way for some clam chowder and seafood. Don’t miss the opportunity to pop over to morro bay and see morro rock. Cool little spot. Montana de oro state park is also real pretty for hiking.
  23. Live shrimp definitely work. I have a lot of plastics to throw and I want to figure out how to get them to work. lol.
  24. What are y’all catching your redfish on? I’m down in south alabama now and had some luck today with live mud minnows and shrimp. But every time I toss artificials it is skunk city.
  25. Last project I was on in Kazakhstan (oil and gas) we shipped our plant modules all the way to the Caspian from St Petersburg. The canal system is actually pretty neat. that being said, fuck Russia and Putin.
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