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Johnny Chimpo

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Posts posted by Johnny Chimpo

  1. Did you guys find that the moccamaster makes a weaker cup? My girlfriend and I have been drinking french press and aero press and the moccamaster I got has not really impressed us. My girlfriend complains the coffee is watery compared to French press. I have the baratza encore so it’s a fine grinder for press and drip.

    Do I need to change up the grind size? I played with that some but didn’t have much luck. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    There’s probably some meat left on the bone, but going balls deep chasing stocks that have run so much is not prudent.  Last year when oil was never going to get over $35 again for the rest of eternity was the time to go balls deep.

    I kick myself every day for not having the balls or the foresight to buy LEAPs  on eog last October. I did manage to scoop up Exxon at 33, yielding 11%. 

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  3. The hilux is great for what it is. All I was saying is, the seats aren’t that comfortable and it’s ancient technology compared to modern offerings in the USA.  I spend about two hours a day in one for half the year. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I work in oilfields in Central Asia and we exclusively drive hi luxes and land cruiser prados with the stick shift diesels. After spending that much time in the hilux, especially the back seat of one, I had no interest at all in buying a Tacoma. They are uncomfortable. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Tex48 said:


    Felt like I needed to bring us back on topic with this thread.  I haven't seen very much on Jet-A demand or diesel recently.  I assume diesel is following gasoline closely but is Jet-A demand this summer still down significantly or is the gap continuing to be closed?          

    The gap will continue to close but until international travel fully resumes it will lag. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    So, I happened to be passing thru las vegas, and stopped at Bass Pro. 

    They had some .22, and a shitload of .223.  Like 1000 rd. boxes of .223.

    Anyway, they have a 5 box limit, so I grabbed 3 boxes of Aguila .22 for 6.95 a box, and for shits and goggles, I grabbed 2 boxes (20 rds each) of CCI 22 LR shotshell.

    So, tell me about this shotshell that I bought.  I've never used it.  Ok for pistol or rifle? Is one better than the other?   Is it good to blast rats/gophers? 

    Usually .22 shot shell is intended for up close use on varmints. Think snakes and the like. Probably would work on rats if you can get one to hang around while you shoot it. 

  7. 47 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Probably half of the Denver metro area population is out of state move-ins. They don't care.

    Out of my group of friends, perhaps 20 people, one is a Colorado native. Lot of midwesterners and Californians. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 12 minutes ago, Schulz2.0 said:

    Denver is trying hard to become California. There are plenty of people looking to run the refinery, that is now surrounded by metro Denver, out of town.

    Yea I live in Denver and the people here turn their nose up at oil and gas. It’s very liberal. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    Texas is ending the extra $300/weekly in late June.

    Some people live in the short term world. They would rather earn less sitting at home than more at work, if the work salary isn't significantly higher. These are the same people that can't afford a $500 emergency because it's all about today not tomorrow.

    The common clay of the new west… you know, morons. 

    • Haha 1
  10. I think it’s time to pivot towards international developed stocks, and begin thinking about accumulating emerging market stocks. 

    I’m playing on value stocks as a theme given that they may succeed more in an inflationary environment and tend to pay dividends. I’m in the accumulation phase of my life but for now I’m gonna start leaning on VYMI and DVYE with my biweekly purchase programs. 

    one thing to be aware of when buying emerging market index funds like IEMG is the weighting they hold towards Chinese tech. It’s something like 20% China tech. Lately their government has not been playing nice with their tech companies so I am happy to stay away from that. 

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