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Johnny Chimpo

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Everything posted by Johnny Chimpo

  1. Oh yea, I have it pretty figured out. I’m just gonna fuck around. I just meant picking off some of the things recommended in this thread.
  2. I’m gonna be in Barcelona five nights 4/20 through 4/25. Then Granada 2 nights, Malaga 2 nights, Seville 3 nights and Madrid 3 nights. Pretty stoked on the trip and looking forward to the recommendations... and the tits.
  3. I only ever go through the fly bro. Over the top is wack.
  4. Kazakhstan ain’t so bad. I’m on 28/28. I’m headed to Spain for my next days off then Italy next days off after that. Then Prague and Budapest for August. I think I’ll be alright. For the record I told them midland was the only place I wouldn’t go
  5. Hard to say, they were staffing up personnel through consulting firms pretty heavily for a while but I think they’ve more or less reached a steady point for this project I’m on.
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