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Johnny Chimpo

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Everything posted by Johnny Chimpo

  1. Magimix. It’s the consumer version of the robot coupe industrial food processor.
  2. Take the lump sum, put half into SCHD and half into VTI. Investing a lump sum is usually better than a lifetime fixed payout because of the effect of inflation over time. When you invest your lump sum you can get dividends and capital growth.
  3. If you don’t need money or make enough to need a tax break l, it’s Salvation Army or goodwill all the way every time.
  4. Wild high elevation trout have such a short feeding season they usually slam anything you set on the water. I can definitely attest to that. Usually they’re not too big (10” max) for the same reason.
  5. Hysteresis is the preferred term.
  6. One of our friends has the Evoque and while it’s definitely not their top of the line, it’s been a pain.
  7. He probably has a second fully remote job and is working from home to ease his tasks. Half ass work on both but pulling down two salaries. It’s quite popular these days.
  8. Just to be clear what I wrote was definitely with this sort of thing in mind 😂
  9. Solid $2-3 of that is just California gas tax. That plus their requirements for special gasoline blends resulting in a limited supply to their market, which means they are trapped in a web of their own weaving.
  10. The exports go out of the gulf coast down to Central and Southern America. Due to the hesitance to build out further pipeline and the protectionist Jones Act we do not have the capability or capacity to transport the excess fuel from the gulf coast over to the east coast. The Jones Act requires that all goods transported by water between U.S. ports be carried on ships that have been constructed in the United States and that fly the U.S. flag, are owned by U.S. citizens, and are crewed by U.S. citizens and U.S. permanent residents. We simply do not have that many American made, American crewed product tankers.
  11. Jesus Christ what a couple of sad clown faces 🤡
  12. Gold is at 1841, lowest since Feb. I don’t really understand the gold price action in general. It seems to go down when you expect it to go up.
  13. The high inflation and low rates is by design, they are inflating the debt away. It’s financial repression.
  14. Help me out with that one. Black drum? Grouper?
  15. I work in international oil and gas in one of the former USSR states and I have heard some pretty wild stories from my colleagues who have worked in Russia, and many of them have. I have heard stories about everything from prison convicts being pressed into service as labor on projects that are behind schedule, oligarchs flying in to site locations on private jets to demand work is completed on schedule regardless of the safety consequences (critical crane lifts performed in extremely high wind conditions) then flying back out once the work was completed. And many others. One thing they all mention is the standard oil spill clean up response - launch some flare guns at it until it burns off then just carry on. So yea, they have a pretty shit safety culture and don’t care who gets injured or killed along the way.
  16. I skied there Sunday. It was pretty fuckin icy. I slipped out twice on some corduroy that I thought was groomed but was really just ribbed ice 😂. Didn’t help that I had brought my rock board which hasn’t been tuned in about 3 years.
  17. You guys have these regimes all wrong. They’ll do it in a heartbeat while claiming it’s all legitimately Russian grown grains, and denying any evidence to the otherwise.
  18. I wouldn’t have said anything at all if slapdick #1 and 2 didn’t have a twenty message private slapfight up there. That shits annoying.
  19. Most of my flying is 20 hour + international trips. I like to settle in and have a drink or two before I start that party. Plus I take the train to dia from downtown and I like to leave a little leeway 🤷🏻‍♂️.
  20. I’m neg repping everyone who’s dragging CR shit in here. Keep it in your little shit play pen.
  21. You have a short to ground somewhere in that circuit. Try tracing the wiring and looking for damaged insulation, uncovered wiring connections / solder points, etc.
  22. Double blacks are all about the snow conditions. Spring conditions, ok, powder day, hell yes. All the rest is a serious judgement call.
  23. Man you aren’t kidding. Just reading that note, think of getting the ski boot off that fucked up leg. Ouch.
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