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  1. Y'all! There is a huge snapping turtle in my yard - soup for the entire block!
  2. Or - "let me explain".... No just answer the question - "yes" or "no"
  3. Be a man and do it without anesthesia. I did it last year. It was "uncomfortable" at a couple of times but when they were done I got dressed and drove away. No grogginess or ill side effects.
  4. This part was funny: No word on where he's moving, but there's a little internet speculation that he might land a permanent role of some kind with the Patriots organization. Such a move would represent a change of pace for the Pats, known for hiring highly competent staff.
  5. Does have cheese on the inside - so there is that.
  6. Excellent restaurant downtown: http://www.tulio.com/
  7. Houston we have lift off!
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