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Everything posted by mdleast

  1. That was such an AMAZING game to watch and, no lie, I called it early in the second half
  2. Now just hear me out. What if aggy’s bowl opponent was…
  3. Looch: “The future is bright!”
  4. Damnit Pac 12 After Dark, I’m gonna miss ya
  5. Florida, Florida, Florida…
  6. Mama says that alligators are ornery 'cause they are allergic to second half offense
  7. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/106784b2-6729-4264-bf90-bbc319a883db
  8. Come on now, no one likes a spitter
  9. Iowa State snow game will make for festive second screen ambiance
  10. I suddenly have a real affinity for Gators….
  11. Does someone need to show Gundy the ESPN info to make it clear to him?
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