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Everything posted by mdleast

  1. How are this many false start penalties still a thing
  2. Do they use an app to fire off that big impressive, they are totally legit military cannon?
  3. From my kitchen and ready for the Horns to get a road win/night win. TEXAS!!!
  4. Damn squirrels keep eating mine this year
  5. Well, yes. Because it’s always about “just wait for next year!”
  6. Do they teach that at fish camp or whatever the hell it is called?
  7. DAMN! All of those boastful Aggys were right: they are NOT going to go 8-4 again this season!
  8. I fucking knew they wouldn’t just run it there
  9. Hey they scored 28 points! No matter what else happens, this season is a success! #GotJimbo
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