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Everything posted by CleverNickname

  1. I manage abiut 15 people. I bet we end up having 50% turnover from this one RTO decision. Nobody (on a state salary) under 35 lives closer than an hour to HQ. And the eligible and rehired retirees are gone. And the folks with small children. So really it will just be golden handcuff people like me (pension seekers), and the childless folk who are able to live in old Austin who stay.
  2. fwiw I'm hearing Abbott has ordered all state agencies to return to office.
  3. wonder where he got that plan... https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/31/business/jeffrey-epstein-eugenics.html
  4. is there anoth3r Gene thread? Whi died first: Gene or spouse? Did she die days or weeks before and GH was too out of it? I'm guessing one way or the other the dog ate some pills.
  5. I'm in awe of yall coaching. I help with scouts, but that's really just me pitching in and doing my part for the troop. Son doesn't really interact with me at campouts. I guess indepence is sort of the whole deal with scouts. But the real secret sauce to youth sports is not the exercise or teamwork. It is those weekly drives to practices and games when a kid actually talks to you. I'm not sure what it is about a vehicle in motion, but it loosens lips.
  6. Freezing rain? Fuck it. I have dirt that needs moving. Existing deepest part 24" x 30" and 59" below the third set. LFG. Knocked it out. How many buckets? Many buckets? How many advil? Many advil. Good enough to switch the ladder from one side to the other. Dropped it into the deeper section. Mase it 2 rungs taller. Running out of rungs. It got a little deeper. Because when you've got the jackhammer down there, might as well break some limestone. Whateveredge is down there is some hard damn rock. Pondering on investing in steel 5 gallon buckets. Three for $50 on amazon. Maybe I need a gofundme. This crappy thermometer gave me a reading above the hole: My phone said it was 33 degrees. So maybe it runs hot. A balmy 51.4. A delta of 15 to 20 degrees. And that was up higher, didn't have room in the deeper section. Not sure when I'll get up there next. Felt like good progress today.
  7. If NIL deals are kinda bullshit, could I hire my daughter to endorse some shit and then fund a Roth for her "earnings"? Or like, set up Cameo to pay her to talk to Grandma? I want to fully fund her Roth for the first 10 or so years, in hopes that sets her up with a good retirement nest egg.
  8. old school RPG nerd here. It should be 10 copper buy 1 silver; 10 silver = 1 gold; 10 gold = 1 platinum. I think electrom is worth 2 gold. oh shit, nerd jinx!
  9. Nice Saturday. Got after it about 3 hours. Not a big update, but satisfying. Used the big jackhammer today. Very hard rock layer. I'm now about 5 ft below the third set. So that means I can get started getting the entire bottom to that level. It is a little easier to widen than to dig deeper. Separating the big rocks from the gravel (& from the dirt) adds a bit of extra time. But I feel it's worth it, as the gravel is useful. My little metal screen fits on the top of a 5 gallon pail (seen below with the scooper I use). The lighting is via 18v doodads. Deepest section (about 1/2 or 1/3 at the moment) is down to 17'2" according to the boy. I have a couple paint or pool chemical pails, and they are just a little bit bigger than a 5 gallon handy pail. Enough that they are frankly too heavy. I've found it's fastest to lift up each bucket (2 or 3 buckets each time), rather that use an electronic hoist or manually with the pulley. The 2x's across the sets are enough space to hold em as I pull them up. So figure 3x 40-50 lb kettle bell clean lifts from 17' to 12' (sucks, not just handle to chin but bottom of bucket to chin) then 12' to 8', 8' to 4', and 4' to surface. So 12 reps each time I scramble up. Probably get 4-6 buckets per jack hammer pass. I didn't set up the hoist today, and only used the pully to raise and lower the jackhammer. You can see the rope dangling in these photos. Fairly busy second half of February into March, so I'm not sure when I'll get the whole thing down to about 17'. I haven't purchased the 4x6s for the fourth set yet, but I do already have the 5/8 threaded rod and the 1.5" angle iron for side lagging ledges. Not sure if I'll add fifth set. I could start building up some concrete and rebar in lifts. But I dunno... if I got to where the rock stops, it would be mighty tempting to try and find the water table. I'm trying a thing where I dump a gallon of 10% vinegar when I leave for the day. I dunno, maybe it will help loosen up the limestone and caliche. Make em more friable. Stupid, but it's only like a bucket. Winterized the cabin extra well. Temp in the teens expected. Gravel spread on the dirt road, and dumped the rock and dirt in my sisphyean ravine. Dozens of cubic feet poured in and I can't say it looks all that much more filled in. All you can do it do it like Johnny Cash. It don't cost me a dime. (except the couple grand I've spent, excluded gas) Did the traditional DQ chicken strip country basket and blizzard when we hit town. Oh, cat got rehomed and mom's house goes for sale next week. Fuckin' a.
  10. it has been a while, but check if your policy has a pollution exclusion. I think that's the provision (and subsequent case law) usually involved. One thing about most insurance contract provisions is there is lots of case law, so you can actually get a pretty good idea of your likely success if it's just a matter of contract construction.
  11. When I find the answer, I'll let yall know. I'm pretty sure I just need to go a little deeper. https://www.inverse.com/input/culture/the-masculine-urge-to-dig-a-tunnel-an-investigation I dig not because it is easy, but because it is hard https://youtu.be/JomxJqKRa1M?si=Z9C0RhJisa2UbBEY
  12. Sent up on Saturday. I was about 4" under the third set (each set is about 48" from center of 4x6 to the next 4x6, although the top set rests above ground. But for simplicity, 4 ft per set). This is anprettynrocky layer. Got a good part of the bottom down to: I have a ladder, so I'll need to move it to get the whole bottom. As a reminder the inside dimensions are 30"x48", so the full hole is ~40" (30+3.5+3.5+1.5+1.5) by 58. Realistically I need space to to push threaded bolt down and tighten nuts, so I usually go down ~54 inches before I put in a new set of lumber. It seems quicker to jump up a set and pull up a bucket in 4 ft increments rather than use the hoist. I save the hoist for lowering and raise the hammer drill, as it's awkward to climb a ladder holding it. The handheld hammer drill is great, but it does struggle a bit when I get a shelf of solid rock. Next time I may use the full size jackhammer. The handheld is really great at embiggening the walls. I have a tendency to want to go deeper and then have to spend a trip or two getting the width right. The last 2-3" have been pretty hard. Usually it's partially calculated caliche (my heat guess I was a business major) where the rock comes apart fairly easily (resists a shivel, but a rock hammer splits easily). This layer had actual quatz: So prettty tough stuff. Mule is in shop for its first ever annual maintainance, so I didn't haul off the bigger rocks and gravel. Next time I'm up I've got a good dozen buckets of abiut 1/2 to 3/4 gravel that I'll spread out on "road" and another half dozen buckets of larger rocks I'll throw down a ravine. My aim is to build it up enough to drive the mule across. That's the property fence line, and my current path cuts down a hill. This route would be more gradual.
  13. I have one and my mother has one. Actually she moved to assisted living and then to memory care in the past few months. Very stressful, means Ive needed some good hole therapy sessions. And said cat (a very lazy, 16-17 yesr old lovable orange lump) is in need of adoption. He could not stay in memory care and my cat does not get along with him (her problem, not him IMO). He is great at the litter box, and just wants food and snuggles. No health issues, no meds. He comes with a dowry, to a good home. I think he'd get along with other cats, but he will eat all the food like a labrador and our cat is a dainty thing that browses all day. Not a great combo. He's living in part of our house, but he deserves a family to love on in his final couple of years message me if you want a cat. I can throw in a bucket of hole dirt. Hoping to go up this Saturday. Around Thanksgiving it was just under the third set. My goal is to have half 48" below that before the snows.
  14. don't twist my words! I'm just advocating the extrajudicial killing of a rainbow of people. All creeds and colors are equally able to be worthless scum. That's the 'merica I believe in!
  15. ngl, I kinda hope the Guard shoots some people looting. I dunno, send a message. But not like a racial thing that people can get all fascist about. Maybe a nice mixed group of looters. Maybe one looter is Asian, one grandms, and another trans. I mean, I don't want trans people dead, but for looter diversity. Like Crash or a commercial for eczema, but looters getting shot.
  16. is this the catch all college thread? Many schools much easier to get into than UT (etc) have computer science programs. Are those worth a damn?
  17. I'm cleaning out my mom's place (she is now in memory care). One thing I've learned is that the "valuable antiques" that were given places of care and honor growing up are mostly worthless baubles. China is not sought after (the people who loved it are dieing or dead), crystal is worse. Antique furniture is frequently not worth the storage. I've been turned down by 2 consignment shops already. The only things really worth saving (between both my parents) have been: sterling silverware (mostly for melt value), guns (though of they'd been sold in 1980 and invested, it would be worth way more), and tools (you can always get $40 for a decenr circular saw). The family jewelry was already passed down, and even that is mostly unfashionable. So I guess what I'm saying is that while I am dubious about "investing" in silver and gold, it is definely way better than most manner of illiquid markers of class and wealth. At least our heirs can take it down to the coin shop and get some fair value with minimal effort. Also... anyone want a vast antique ashtray collection?
  18. the lumber that rests on the angle iron is meant to resist lateral pressure. Often the gap is so large they can shift. The noodle (or spray foam) keeps them in place. That's probably going to be in a technical addendum to the Idaho Dept of Mines handbook.
  19. Fourth visit to the ranch over holiday break, but the other visits were a 8-man 13 year old gel blaster war, or nephew/niece/cousin recreation. This trip was about breaking in sons new 7mm08 and the hole. Last update ot was about 14' on half. A toasty 34 degrees tbis morning, but in 20 mins I shed the hoodie. Got the bottom more or less even at about 28" below the third set. So call it 14'4" deep pr so. About halfway to the fourth set. Got the smaller hammer drill working. The boy fixed it. I dunno. I reckon he is destined for the School of Mines. Total haul: 10 buckets dirt, 11 buckets gravel or small rocks; 7 buckets larger rocks. The dirt i moved over to an old brush pile out of the way. The rocks I'll dump in a ravine, and the gravel I spread on some muddy spots on the "road."
  20. Illinois fan here (dad an alum, grew up with Illiniwik sweatshirts). They've got the perfect coach for them. Winning 8-9 games and a bowl is a great season. Take those top 50/75 recruiting classes and turn them into a top 25 team (Im hapoy with take 'others receiving votes'). It's fun rooting for Illini, because the stakes are lower. Texas loses a game or squeaks by and I'm bummed. Illinois beats non con directional Missourri and I'm over the moon. Ten wins in Champaign. It's nice! And guys.... she had no idea he was a coach with seven figure salary! No idea whatsoever!
  21. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/sim/if-you-ever-wanted-a-game-about-digging-a-hole-a-game-about-digging-a-hole-is-a-game-about-digging-a-hole/
  22. 1 tasters choice packet in 1 16oz HEB "drinking water" bottle. Shake.
  23. I took my paternity leave at like 5 months after my second born (teacher wife, timed it perfect re summer break). Eldest stuck herself with epipen auto injector. I had to call grandma to watch baby while I took kiddo to ER. I had kinda hoped everyone forgot until my daughter (almost 15) suddenly mentioned "remember when you took my to the hospital amd forgot my shoes." Had not talked about in like 12 years. My fuckup might be her earliest memory. Grew out of the food allergy, thank god.
  24. this buck and these exact coordinates will appear in a new Turnpike Troubadours song in 2025. "The Bow Hunter"
  25. if I were to need to burn my insider trading source, I do a professional hit and have them purposely lay a false trail with a well known book title clues as a red herring.
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